All roofing materials are vulnerable to hail damage, especially in hail storm-prone areas. The good news is that if your roof has got impact damage, restoration is attainable and can be even economically feasible.
First, the problem must be correctly diagnosed by roofing specialists, who will determine the extent of the damage. You need specialists in this case, because hail damage is not always obvious, especially if hailstones were rather small. Besides, hail damage looks different on different roofing materials and may also affect air vents or other fixtures. On asphalt, clay or stone shingles, hail typically leaves visible nicks or cracks; on metal, there will be visible dents.
The professional Southlake roofing contractor who diagnoses the damage will also provide you an accurate price estimate.
Having insurance can be a huge relief, especially if the damage is extensive. National averages indicate that for 100 sq. ft. of restoration, you will pay $400-800. On the other hand, if the roof is badly damaged on large areas and is also quite old or made from low quality materials, you may have to consider a new roof system, which will cost you, on average, $7,500-15,000 depending on the size of the roof, the type of materials, your location etc. If you must go through a roof replacement, this would be the best time to upgrade to impact resistant roofing materials.